Randolph Curry
Role: Brains and Trickster of Drift. Protagonist
Species: Grey Rat
Likes: Technology, reading, practical jokes, outsmarting people, inventing, animals.
Dislikes: Laziness, stupidity, romance.
Dream Job: Inventor/Entrepreneur.
Skills: Tech genius, strategist, dirty fighter, stealth, innovative, intelligent.
Randolph has a personality that most would consider stereotypical for a rat. Confident, amused, mischievous, always smirking, and much smarter than he looking, Randolph is considered the perfect label for the rat stereotype amongst hybreeds. This is not something he is proud of, though, and hates when people point it out. Despite his scheming, sly nature, Randolph is truly loyal to his friends and would never betray them for anything. He also has quite a bit of pride for his intelligence and hates being humiliated. Rarely does he get depressed or seriously angry. Most of the time he has his signature sly smirk.
Unlike his friends, Randolph has a deep distaste for romance. This is likely due to his family annoying him by constantly watching soap operas. He rolls his eyes in irritation every time his buddies talk about their adoration for their girls.
Randolph's story is far more different than his allies of Drift. Unlike them, he was never abused or mistreated growing up. His family loved him like any good family would. There was only one problem with them in Randolph's eyes, though. They were all idiots. His mother, father, two older brothers and younger sister weren't nearly as smart as him. While his siblings cared little and did poorly in their schoolwork, Randolph excelled in all subjects. It infuriated him that his parents were so easy on his siblings for getting bad grades and they hardly acknowledged him for his achievements. All his family seemed to care about were cartoons, country music, and soap operas.
Randolph felt so different from his family he developed a disdain for them. He felt he was too smart and serious for them. In his freshman year of high school, Randolph discovered his eldest brother was going to drop out of high school and pursue a career in performing. To his horror, his parents were completely supportive. This invoked a loud, fierce protest from Randolph. He criticized his parents for being too lazy and stupid. The explosive argument that followed formed a barrier between Randolph and his family. From then on, he focused all his time on his studies.
Eventually Randolph was doing so well in school he started to get bored with it. A surge of confidence began to overtake him, and he believed one day he would be a successful inventor. In his spare time Randolph began crafting various tech gadgets. Out of disdain for his family, he used these devices to pull pranks on them. Sadly, this made his family even more infuriated with him.
One day, in his sophomore year of high school, Randolph devised the perfect prankster gadget. A flash drive he called the discombobulater. Plugging it in will infect any and all computer systems with a virus that would leave it immobilized and unworkable for 24 hours. Wanting to test it out on his whole family, he plugged it into the family room computer that his parents used to pull up internet videos on the TV. That night, during another evening TV night, his dad turned on the TV, and Randolph plugged in his prankster flash drive. In an instant, the TV erupted with a song from a children's show about a clever rat. On the screen a cartoon mouse danced. It took only seconds for Randolph's family to realize TV night was ruined. Sure enough, Randolph was laughing hysterically at the sight of their irritated faces. That was the last straw for Randolph's dad. He furiously told Randolph that since he would not stop his foolish antics, he would not be going to college. Randolph was completely livid. He had always wanted to go to college, and being cut off from it was the worst thing his family could ever do to him. Then, his mother stepped in, and said if Randolph apologized and let everyone do as they pleased, his father would let him go to college.
Unfortunately, Randolph's pride prevented him from apologizing. Without saying a word, he stormed up to his room. After lying in his bed wondering what to do, Randolph decided he did not need his family to be a success. Days later, packing his essential possessions, he abandoned his home and family and set off on what was supposed to be a journey. What was supposed to be a quest for greatness quickly became a fight for survival.
Randolph had underestimated the hatred and bigotry ruling over Lotebirma. The trickster, shifty, untrustworthy reputation of rats made getting a job impossible for him. Even entering a store proved difficult as all eyes were on him waiting for a mischievous strike. Desperate, Randolph had to sell his more valuable possessions to get the money needed for food. Once that ran out, though, he was forced to steal. Eventually, he was kicked out of the motel he was staying at and was forced to stay in a homeless shelter. Feeling utterly humiliated, Randolph refused to go back to his family, knowing his pride would never live it down. Besides, in truth, he did not want to go back to them. Despite everything, he still saw them as lazy and stupid. He may have been a street rat now, but at least he was smart.
Witnessing the many crimes taking place around him, Randolph got a sneaky idea. On one rainy day, he swindled a group of Spot Mobbers out of thirty dollars by selling them fake drugs. Thrilled with his first successful trick for cash, Randolph relished in his money in the shadows of an alley.
Suddenly, he was approached by a group of tall, scaly men wearing expensive looking suits. Immediately curious, Randolph asked who they were. The men told Randolph they were really impressed he managed to trick those Spot Mobbers. They offered him a chance to go to a place where there was no discrimination or savage crooks to interfere with his life. Randolph could immediately tell these men were serious. Agreeing to the offer, the men handed him a map. According to them, the map led to a location said to be an urban legend. Despite the somewhat unbelievable story, Randolph could tell those well-dressed men were being honest, so he followed the map. Going through the infamous Rank Forest and traveling certain paths through abandoned train tunnels, he finally arrived at the harbor. There, he met a group of teens his age and together they formed a gang with one goal: To steal from the crooks of Lotebirma and put a stop to them once and for all.
Randolph is the self-proclaimed brains and cunning of Drift, and rightfully so. His sly cleverness makes him a mental force to be reckoned with. Strategy, tricks, gadgets, and dirty tactics are his main strengths. He takes pride in outsmarting his foes with his quick thinking, smooth acting, and mischievous ideas.
When it comes to crafting technological gadgets from scraps, Randolph is a master. He scavenges trash dumps near high tech stores for parts he can use for various creations. Pieces that help in his team's heists. His gadgets are essential for Drift's success.
Being rather skinny and scrawny, Randolph is not much of a powerhouse in fights. However, he makes up for his physical weaknesses by using dirty tactics. He tends to use weapons like hammers and other blunt objects when confronted with foes ready for a brawl. He also makes sure to hit weak spots that will result in a one hit knock out or incapacitation. His intelligence and precision makes this easy for him. A lead pipe to the back of the head or a baseball bat to the knees are just a few examples of his attacks.
Randolph has a rather comical soft spot for animals. Especially cats and dogs. He gets giddy whenever he passes by a pet store. If there's one thing he can't resist, it's cute, cuddly cats and dogs.
Randolph has a rather infamous nickname: The Rat in the Hat. This is because of his signature knit cap, which he never takes off.
When it comes to food, Randolph has no specific preferences. He likes all food vegetable or meat. He's not a fan of sweets, however.