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Usini the Gracious Soul

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Race: Naturman

Element: White Lightning

Roles: Protagonist. Hillander 

Likes: Crafting jewelry, being productive, crystals, cooking, storybooks, magic. 

Dislikes: Laziness, people with no sense of honor, carelessness, abuse of the environment. 

Story Summary: 

Usini's life as different as it could be for all others of the Hill Lands. That is because she was not born and raised there. Instead, she was born and raised in Edona. The shameful, death trap infested city of the spiritless and the Bestowers. Like all others of Edona, Usini lived a lazy, careless life without having to work hard. She thought and worried little of the carnivorous plants infesting the surrounding lands that devoured people for sacrifices. That is, until he parents disappeared. Being too young to care for herself at the time, other citizens had to step up to care for her, but Usini was confused as to what happened to her parents. Whenever she tried to ask questions, though, the constantly peaceful and joyful citizens simply refused to answer and changed the subject. Usini was too young to understand, and her spirit was too weak to care. However, throughout her life, Usini read various storybooks about inspiring tales of warriors and adventure. While part of her dreaded the thought of such a hard, laboring life, deep within her was a secret desire for self worth and reasons to be proud. Still, it was not enough for her spirit to strengthen significantly. 

One day, at the age of 16, Usini was given the order from the Bestowers to go out into the Turfs and retrieve crops. Usini knew fully well what this meant, but like all other citizens of Edona, she cared very little. Venturing into the fields where the terratraps lay, she managed to collect crops and return to the city safely. However, something inside her was urging her to return to the Turfs. With very little thought and without much free will, as if under a spell, Usini ventured into the Turfs again, all alone. Driven by an unknown force deep within, Usini ran onto the dangerous field.


Suddenly, she caught a glimpse of someone in the distance near a brush of trees. It was a young man with light green hair that wielded a large mace. Usini realized this naturman must have been a freelander. She realized this person looked nothing like she imagined an overworked, diseased, unclean freelander would look. This naturman boy looked perfectly healthy and impressively strong. The two locked eyes, and stared for a while. Fascinated, Usini walked further forward, getting a better look at him. Looking into his eyes, Usini felt something glow and stir inside her. It was unlike anything she had ever felt before in her life. 

As these thoughts went through her mind, the world suddenly snapped dark and cold. Usini felt herself enveloped and being crushed. A terratrap had snared her, and was about to devour her. Fear and dread overtook her heart and mind in those few, precious seconds. All of the sudden, there was a swoosh, and a loud snap, and Usini fell to the ground, covered in the terratrap's digestive juices. She gasped and crawled out of the trap, and looked up when a shadow loomed over her. Usini stared in spirit vitalizing awe as she saw the green haired naturman standing before her. He had destroyed the terratrap before it could kill her. There was a strength to this young man Usini found herself craving. Then the young man spoke to her, saying he felt sympathy for her sad, weak, spiritless life, imagining she must be very lonely. Usini did not answer, so the young man continued. He said that his name was Chess, and he lived in the Freelands. A place where people live proud lives of hard work, strength, compassion, and companionship. A place where people were free to feel all emotions, and not be cursed to false happiness. Hearing his words, along with the shock of miraculously surviving the terratrap fate, Usini felt her spirit glow for the very first time. Filled with inspiration and a desire to be like this powerful stranger who saved her life, Usini asked if she could go with him. To learn the ways of the Freelanders and know the meaning of proudness and strength. Chess was silent, then extended his hand for her to grasp. He told her to come with him. Filled with a newfound joy she knew was now completely true, Usini accepted his hand and stood up. Chess then led her away from the Turfs and brought her to Oldhills Town. 

After being given a tour of the town as well as Highhills Town, Usini was reassured and convinced she had made the right decision. That night, she chose to sleep in the Oldhills Orchard with Chess. That night, Usini swore to dedicate her entire being to becoming as strong as Chess, and regain her lost spirit. Days turned into months, and months turned into years, and Usini indeed grew strong and hardworking. Her spirit glowed brighter than it ever had in her life, and she was happier than she ever had been. Learning the ways of combat and obtaining her weapon, Usini now fights alongside her friends to protect her home from the Bestowers, the people she once relied on. With a new appreciation for nature and life, Usini strives to continue growing, and have reasons to be proud of herself.

Powers and Abilities:

Usini's lightning element is quite powerful, but not that far above average. She can summon multiple bolts and surges from her axe to attack surrounding foes. 

Her physical power is not that far above average either, but she can still wield her axe and dodge attacks very well. 

She is quite skilled in magic and can cast simple spells and break strong ones. Her magic can be used for everyday tasks as well as combat, but she never wastes it for unneeded skills such as psychokinesis. 





Usini is deeply compassionate towards her loved ones, but strong and defiant towards her enemies. Within her gracious, loving expression is a spirit shining with courage and willpower. She also has a strong sense of honor and pride, wanting to be strong and hardworking like her friends. The lazy life she once lived as a spiritless is one of the few things she despises. Besides that, Usini has a deep care and appreciation for everything in life. She loves making accomplishments and being productive as well as helping others. 

Usini is generally a calm and peaceful individual who does not shout or exaggerate often. When in a serious situation, though, she can sometimes show great energy and firmness. When with her friends, she is always smiling and soothingly joyful. She tires not to be hurt by others, being as emotionally strong as she can be. Usini is fully aware there is nothing wrong with being sad, though, and rarely denies her emotions from herself. Usini treasures all her feelings. 

Usini has romantic feelings for Chess and often worries about him for his emotional struggles. One day she hopes to tell him how she feels, but so far she has not developed the courage to.




Other info:

Usini's axe was crafted by Chess as a gift.

Usini's single horn is an incredible rarity for naturman, only coming from single horned mammals like unicorns. However, very few people acknowledge this rare feature of hers. 

She has many talents and hobbies. She crafts clothing, furniture, and jewelry, cooks, wields adequate magic, dances, grows plants, reads novels, writes poetry, paints, meditates, and plays the flute and harp. 

Her name is pronounced You-see-nee

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